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Chambers Guide Continues to Rank SDM in Top Tier

SDM continues to be highly ranked in two practice areas and with multiple lawyer rankings in the 2023 Chambers USA Guide. "They're extremely sophisticated and smart, and they're willing to try cases," notes a source from Chambers.

BAND 1: Litigation: General Commercial in Texas: Austin & Surrounds

BAND 2: Energy: State Regulatory & Litigation (Oil & Gas) in Texas

In addition to the firm rankings, Steve McConnico and Kennon Wooten are ranked Band 1, Paige Amstutz and  Casey Dobson are ranked Band 2, and David Shank is ranked in the Up and Comers in Litigation: General Commercial in Texas: Austin & Surrounds.

Davin McGinnis is ranked Band 1 in Energy: State Regulatory & Litigation (Oil & Gas) in Texas.

Jane Webre is ranked Band 2 in Litigation: Appellate in Texas.

In addition, Steve McConnico is ranked Band 1 in Litigation: Trial Lawyers category.

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